Budget-friendly tips for starting a home-based business

By Amy Collett

Are you thinking about starting a business out of your home? If so, you probably know about the many advantages of using your home as a business headquarters, such as lower overhead costs, no commute, and flexibility in schedule.

But to reap the benefits, you must prepare and strategize your home-based business the right way. Otherwise, you will find it hard to succeed in the short term, much less the long term. Below are some practical, budget-friendly tips to help you start a home-based business on solid ground.

Consider Business Financing

First of all, it’s hard to start a business when you don’t have a lot of cash flow. To help reduce stress and give yourself solid footing as you launch your business, look into your options with small business funding. That way, you can get assistance to get any new equipment, inventory, additional staff, and other things that will help you get a good start.

Research government funding options, such as traditional SBA...

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