How targets of workplace abuse have to pay for treatment they didnā€™t deserve

Bullying leads to stress, and stress leads to health problems. Health problems can then eventually lead to poor work performance. At that point, targets can either:

  • Take paid sick leave, which lets employees recover from the health problems
  • File for workers compensation
  • Take family medical leave
  • Seek disability insurance

Types of sick leave targets chose
Targets often choose between the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), disability, and workers compensation (WC).

  • FMLA. FMLA is available to employees whose companies have 50+ employees and can be voluntary or forced, paid or unpaid.
  • Disability insurance. Targets can also take short-term or long-term disability. Early retirement may also be an option. 
  • WC. Employees can sometimes claim psychological stress as a work injury (though some states do not allow it). WC claims may interfere with a target's ability to file a lawsuit.

With currently less than one-fifth of all U.S. states have paid FMLA or paid sick leave,...

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