How businesses lose when they keep a bully on payroll

Those who've been abused at work say that abusers didn't just harm their health and personal relationships. Abusers actually harmed their organizations. Here's how:
  • Employees lose trust in employers who protect abusers. When they lose trust, their morale and productivity go down.
  • Productivity also decreases when great employees focus on fear of more abuse.
  • Employees lose money from absenteeism and turnover (not the kind that results from employers no longer needing certain skills), which costs organization big bucks in training.
  • Since great employees leave their organizations when abused, companies lose employees who would have helped build a better company.

When costs go up for organizations, taxpayers lose, too. Health care costs get externalized, costs that the employer would have been responsible for. 

No one wins when managers abuse employees.

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